Your search returned 90 results.

Lie semigroups and their applications Joachim Hilgert, Karl-Hermann Neeb by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 36633.

White noise on bialgebras Michael Schurmann by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1544 | Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 530.1/2/015192-SCH.

Symbolic dynamcis [i.e. dynamics] and hyperbolic groups Michel Coornaert, Athanase Papadopoulos by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag c1993
Other title:
  • Symbolic dynamcis and hyperbolic groups
  • Symbolic dynamics and hyperbolic groups
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 510 S 516.3/62-COO.

Quantum probability for probabilists Paul Andre Meyer by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1538 | Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: XXX-MEY-19.

Nonlinear Poisson brackets geometry and quantization M.V. Karasev, V.P. Maslov by Series: Translations of mathematical monographs ; v. 11
Publication details: Providence, R.I American Mathematical Society c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 36990.

The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem Richard B. Melrose by Series: Research Notes in Mathematics
Publication details: Wellesley, Mass A.K. Peters c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 33428. Not available: IMAR: Checked out (1).

Spline functions and multivariate interpolations B.D. Bojanov, H.A. Hakopian, A.A. Sahakian by Series: Mathematics and its applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Publication details: Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 511.42-BOJ.

Degenerate elliptic equations Serge Levendorskii by Series: Mathematics and its applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Publication details: Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515.353-LEV.

Polynomial invariants of finite groups D.J. Benson by Series: London Mathematical Society lecture note series ; vol. 190
Publication details: Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, c1993
Availability: Not available: IMAR: Checked out (1).

Topologies on closed and closed convex sets Gerald Beer by Series: Mathematics and its applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Publication details: Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 514.32-BEE.

Elements of topological dynamics by J. de Vries by Series: Mathematics and its applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Publication details: Dordrecht Boston Kluwer Academic Publishers c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 514.3-VRI.

Several complex variables and the geometry of real hypersurfaces John P. D'Angelo by Series: Studies in advanced mathematics
Publication details: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1993
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515.94-ANG.

Nasir Al-DIn Al-Tusi's Memoir on astronomy: [commentary by] F.J. Ragep by Series: Sources in the history of mathematics and physical sciences ; 12
Publication details: New York Springer-Verlag c1993
Availability: Not available: IMAR: Checked out (2).

Well-Posed Optimization Problems Asen Dontchev, Tullio Zolezzi by Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: CS1-1543.


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