Your search returned 403 results.

Epistemic friction : An essay on knowledge, truth, and logic Gila Sher by
Publication details: Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 120-SHE.

Epistemic modality edited by Andy Egan and Brian Weatherson by
Publication details: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 415-EGA.

The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning edited by Keith J. Holyoak, Robert G. Morrison by
Publication details: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2012
Availability: Not available: IMAR: Checked out (1).

Logic : A very short introduction Graham Priest by
Publication details: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000
Availability: Not available: IMAR: Checked out (1).

Autism : A very short introduction Uta Frith by Series: Very short introductions
Publication details: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 618.9289-FRI.

Some novel types of fractal geometry Stephen Semmes by Series: Oxford mathematical monographs
Publication details: Oxford : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, c2001
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 514.742-SEM.

A graphic apology for symmetry and implicitness Alessandra Carbone and Stephen Semmes. by Series: Oxford mathematical monographs
Publication details: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 511.3-CAR.

Sampling theory in Fourier and signal analysis : Foundations J.R. Higgins by
Publication details: Oxford : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1996
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515.2433-HIG.

Interpolation, identification, and sampling Jonathan R. Partington by Series: Oxford science publications | London Mathematical Society monographs
Publication details: Oxford : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515.73-PAR.

Super-real fields : Totally ordered fields with additional structure H. Garth Dales and W. Hugh Woodin by Series: London Mathematical Society monographs ; new ser., no. 14 | Oxford science publications
Publication details: Oxford : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1996
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 512.3-DAL.

A course of mathematics for engineers and scientists Brian H. Chirgwin and Charles Plumpton by
Publication details: Oxford, New York: Pergamon Press, 1961-
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 510-CHI.

Hangzhou lectures on eigenfunctions of the Laplacian Christopher D. Sogge. by Series: Annals of mathematics studies ; vol. 188
Publication details: Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515.3533-SOG.

Multiple parameter stability theory and its applications : Bifurcations, catastrophes, instabilities ... Koncay Huseyin by Series: The Oxford engineering science series ; vol. 18
Publication details: Oxford [Oxfordshire] : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 003-HUS.

The classification of knots and 3-dimensional spaces Geoffrey Hemion. by Series: Oxford science publications
Publication details: Oxford New York Oxford University Press 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 514.224-HEM.

Practical time-stepping schemes / W.L. Wood. by Series: Oxford applied mathematics and computing science series
Publication details: Oxford [England] : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515/.35.

Encyclopaedic dictionary of mathematics for engineers and applied scientists. Editor: I. N. Sneddon. by
Edition: [1st ed.]
Publication details: Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press [1976]
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 51/.30-SNE.

Handbook of algebraic topology edited by I.M. James by
Publication details: Amsterdam ; Oxford : Elsevier Science, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 514.2-JAM.

Handbook of algebraic topology edited by I.M. James. by
Publication details: Amsterdam ; Oxford : Elsevier Science, 1995
Availability: No items available.

Mathematics of linear and nonlinear systems : For engineers and applied scientists D.J. Bell. by Series: Oxford science publications
Publication details: Oxford [England] : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: 515.35-BEL-2.


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