Your search returned 703 results.

Functional analysis and its applications International Conference, Madras, 1973 Ed. H. G. Garnir, K. R. Unni Series: Lecture notes in mathematics. 399
Publication details: Berlin Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 18964.

Repartition modulo 1 actes du colloque de Marseille-Luminy, 4 au 7 juin 1974 edite G. Rausy by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 475
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: CS1-475, ...

Foundations of the theory of groupoids and groups O. Boruvka by Series: Hochschulbucher fur mathematik. 46
Publication details: Berlin Verlag der Wissenschaften 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: II 18998, ...

Programming Symposium proceedings. Colloque sur la programmation, Paris, April 9-11, 1974 Edited by B. Robinet. -- by Series: Lecture notes in computer science ; 19
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 19019.

Category Seminar proceedings, Sydney Category Theory Seminar, 1972/1973 edited by Gregory M. Kelly by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: CS1-420, ...

Cohomologie cristalline des schemas de caracteistique p>0 Pierre Berthelot by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 407 | Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: CS1-407, ...

Cluster analysis a survey [by] Benjamin S. Duran [and] Patrick L. Odell by Series: Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; 100 | Econometrics
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 19002.

Elementary induction on abstract structures [by] Yiannis N. Moschovakis by Series: Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics ; v. 77
Publication details: Amsterdam New York North-Holland Pub. Co American Elsevier Pub. Co 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 18781.

An aid to solving problems in strength of materials I. N. Mirolyubov, S. A. Engalychev by
Publication details: Moscow Mir Publishers 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 19269.

Les methodes mathematiques de la mechanique classique V. Arnold; trad. din lb. rusa: Djilali Embarek by
Publication details: Moscou Mir 1976 (edita in lb. rusa a aparut in 1974)
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: II 19259, ...

Jeux differentiels N. Krassovski, A. Soubbotine by
Publication details: Moscow Editions de Moscou 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 19301.

Linear multiobjective programming [by] M. Zeleny by Series: Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; 95
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 19196.

Symmetric Markov processes Martin L. Silverstein by Series:
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: CS1-426, ...

Group representations a survey of some current topics [by] Ronald L. Lipsman by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Publication details: Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (2)Call number: CS1-388, ...

Minimal varieties in real and complex geometry H. Blaine Lawson, Jr by Series: Seminaire de mathematiques superieures ete - 1973 ; 57
Publication details: Montreal Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 16510.

Methodes logiques en geometrie diophantienne Shuichi Takahashi by Series: Seminaire de mathmatiques superieures ete - 1970 ; 46
Publication details: Montreal Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: IMAR (1)Call number: II 16509.


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