Evolution equations, semigroups and functional analysis in memory of Brunello Terreni
Alfredo Lorenzi, Bernhard Ruf, editors
- Basel Boston Birkhèauser c2002
- xii, 397 p 24 cm
- Progress in nonlinear differential equations and their applications v. 50 .
Contine bibliografie
Preface Brunello Terreni (1953-2000) Remembering Brunello [Gamma]-convergence for infinite dimensional optimal control problems Degenerate two-point problem Bounded solutions for a class of quasi-linear parabolic problems with a quadratic gradient term Degenerate evolution systems modeling the cardiac electric field at micro- and macroscopic level Singular limits for nonlinear hyperbolic systems Bounded perturbations of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups Degenerate integrodifferential equations of Volterra type in Banch space On a class of quasi linear equations in infinite-dimensional spaces Uniform attractors of nonautonomous dynamical systems with memory On some mathematical aspects of the ring cavity problem Hadamard well-posedness of weak solutions in nonlinear dynamic elasticity-full von Karman systems Applications des sommes d'opérateurs dan l'étude du comportement singulier des solutions dans les problèmes elliptiques -- Some identification problems related to thermal materials with loss of memory On generators of noncommuting semigroups: sums, interpolation, regularity Well-posedness for nonautonomous abstract Cauchy problems Cauchy problem for a semilinear heat equation with singular initial data Well-posedness and asymptotic behaviour of non-autonomous linear evolution equations Abstract hyperbolic equations in non-reflexive spaces Min-max game theory and optimal control with indefinite cost under a singular estimate for eÂt B in the absence of analyticity Quasilinear abstract parabolic evolution equations with applications Bernhard Ruf, Alfredo Lorenzi -- Sandro Levi -- Alfredo Lorenzi -- Paolo Acquistapace, Ariela Briani -- Viorel Barbu, Angelo Favini -- Lucio Boccardo, Maria Michaela Porzio -- Piero Colli Franzone, Giuseppe Savaré -- Donatella Donatelli, Pierangelo Marcati -- Giuseppe Da Prato -- Angelo Favini, Alfredo Lorenzi, Hiroki Tanabe -- Marco Fuhrman -- Maurizio Grasselli, Vittorino Pata -- Reinhard Illner, Horst Lange, Holger Teismann -- Herbert Koch, Irena Lasiecka -- Alfredo Lorenzi -- Alessandra Lunardi -- Rainer Nagel, Gregor Nickel -- Bernhard Ruf, Elide Terraneo -- Roland Schnaubelt -- Eugenio Sinestrari -- Roberto Triggiani -- Atsushi Yagi