Pisarenko, Georgij Stepanovich

Application of asymptotic expansion methods to the investigation of oscillations of mechanical systems with dissipation of energy = Primenenie metodov asimptoticheskih razlozhenij po stepeniam malogo parametra dlia issledovaniia kolebanij mehanicheskih sistem s uchetom rasseianiia enegrii v materiale G. S. Pisarenko - Kiev Institute of Mathematics Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR 1961 - 39 p 20 cm

Inaintea tit.: International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations, Kiev, september 1961. - Legata impreuna cu alte lucrari ce constituie un volum legatoresc (Varia). - Pe cotorul copertii: "Kiev Symposium on nonlinear vibrations M-P"

Mecanica neliniara
Sisteme mecanice
