Vysshie transtsedentnye funktsii Funktsii Besselia, funktsii parabolicheskogo tsilindra, ortogonal'nye mnogochleny
G. Bejtmen; A. Erdeji; trad. din lb. engleza: N. Ia. Vilenkina
- Moskva "Nauka" Gl. red. fiz.-mat. lit 1966
- 295 p ill 22 cm
- Spravochnaia matematicheskaia biblioteka .
Cuprinde bibliografie si index Scriere chirilica Higher transcedental functions; vol. 2 - based, in part, on notes left by Harry Bateman and conplied by the staff of the Bateman manuscript project; Director Artur Erdelyi (New York; Toronto; London - McGFraw-Hill book company, Inc. - 1953)