Uintter, E. T
Kurs sovremennogoanaliza Chast' 1 Osnovnye operatsii analiza
E. T. Uintter; Dzh. N. Vatson; trad. din lb. engleza sub redactia: F. V. Shirokova
- a 2-a ed
- Moskava Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo fiz.-mat. lit 1963
- 342 p ill.; tab 22 cm
Cuprinde bibliografie pe capitole Scriere chirilica A course of modern analysis; An introduction to the general theory of infinite processes and of analytic functions; with an account of the principal transcedental functions - E. T. Whittaker; G. N. Watson (fourth edition); (Cambridge at the university press - 1927)