Issledovaniia po matematicheskoj statistike Redactor: I. A. Ibragimova si altii 4 volume

Series: Zapiski nauchnyh seminarov LOMI. tom 87; tom 98; tom 108; tom 153 Publication details: Leningrad "Nauka" Leningradskoe otdelenie 1979Description: 215 p. (vol. 3) tab 21 cm; 167 p. (vol. 4) 21 cm; 200 p. (vol. 5) 21 cm; 182 p. (vol. 7) ill 21 cm
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Scriere chirilica

Cuprinde rezumat in lb. engleza la sfarsitul fiecarui volum

Deasupra titlului: Akademiia Nauk SSSR; Ordena Lenina Matematicheskij Institut im. V. A. Steklova; Leningradskoe otdelenie

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