Representations of finite classical groups a Hopf algebra approach
Zelevinsky, Andrey V
Representations of finite classical groups a Hopf algebra approach Andrey V. Zelevinsky - Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1981 - iv, 184 p 24 cm - Lecture notes in mathematics 869 . - Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) .
Contine bibliografie
0387108246 (U.S.)
Representations of groups
Finite groups
Hopf algebras
510 s 512/.2
Representations of finite classical groups a Hopf algebra approach Andrey V. Zelevinsky - Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1981 - iv, 184 p 24 cm - Lecture notes in mathematics 869 . - Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) .
Contine bibliografie
0387108246 (U.S.)
Representations of groups
Finite groups
Hopf algebras
510 s 512/.2