Padé approximants for operators theory and applications
Cuyt, Annie
Padé approximants for operators theory and applications Annie Cuyt - Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1984 - viii, 138 p 25 cm - Lecture notes in mathematics 1065 . - Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) .
Cuprinde bibliografie si index
0387133429 (U.S. : pbk.) 0387133429
Padé approximant
Operator theory
510 s 511/.4
Padé approximants for operators theory and applications Annie Cuyt - Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1984 - viii, 138 p 25 cm - Lecture notes in mathematics 1065 . - Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) .
Cuprinde bibliografie si index
0387133429 (U.S. : pbk.) 0387133429
Padé approximant
Operator theory
510 s 511/.4