Characterization of distributions by the method of intensively monotone operators
Kakosëiìan, A. V
Characterization of distributions by the method of intensively monotone operators Ashot V. Kakosyan, Leo B. Klebanov, Joseph A. Melamed - Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1984 - x, 175 p 25 cm - Lecture notes in mathematics 1088 .
Cuprinde bibliografie si index
0387138579 (U.S. : pbk.)
Distribution (Probability theory)
Monotone operators
510 s 519.5
Characterization of distributions by the method of intensively monotone operators Ashot V. Kakosyan, Leo B. Klebanov, Joseph A. Melamed - Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1984 - x, 175 p 25 cm - Lecture notes in mathematics 1088 .
Cuprinde bibliografie si index
0387138579 (U.S. : pbk.)
Distribution (Probability theory)
Monotone operators
510 s 519.5