Manifolds of nonpositive curvature
Ballmann, Werner
Manifolds of nonpositive curvature Werner Ballmann, Mikhael Gromov, Viktor Schroeder - Boston Birkhèauser 1985 - iv, 263 p ill 23 cm - Progress in mathematics v. 61 . - Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.) .
Based on four lectures delivered by M. Gromov in Feb. 1981 at Collège de France, Paris, with appendices by W. Ballmann and V. Schroeder Contine bibliogr. si index
Geometry, Differential
Manifolds (Mathematics)
Manifolds of nonpositive curvature Werner Ballmann, Mikhael Gromov, Viktor Schroeder - Boston Birkhèauser 1985 - iv, 263 p ill 23 cm - Progress in mathematics v. 61 . - Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.) .
Based on four lectures delivered by M. Gromov in Feb. 1981 at Collège de France, Paris, with appendices by W. Ballmann and V. Schroeder Contine bibliogr. si index
Geometry, Differential
Manifolds (Mathematics)