A course of higher mathematics = Kurs vysshej matematiki Vol. 2 Advanced calculus

Smirnov, V. I

A course of higher mathematics = Kurs vysshej matematiki Vol. 2 Advanced calculus V. I. Smirnov ; transl. by D. E. Brown ; transl. ed. and additions made by I. N. Sneddon - Oxford [etc.] Pergamon Press 1964 - XIV, 632 p fig 24 cm - International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics Vol. 58 .

Contine solutiile exerc. si index

Ecuatii diferentiale ordinare
Ecuatii diferentiale liniare
Analiza vectoriala
Teoria campurilor
Geometrie diferentiala
Ecuatii diferentiale partiale ale fizicii matematice
Ecuatia Laplace


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