Brauer groups Proceedings of the conference held at Evanston, october 11-15, 1975
Brauer groups Proceedings of the conference held at Evanston, october 11-15, 1975
Edited by D. Zelinsky
- Berlin; New York Springer-Verlag c1976
- iv, 187 p 25 cm
- Lecture notes in mathematics 549 ISSN 0075-8434 .
- Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) .
Cuprinde bibliografie pe capitole Sponsored by Northwestern university
3540079890 0387079890
Brauer groups Congresses
Separable algebras Congresses
510.8 512/.24
Cuprinde bibliografie pe capitole Sponsored by Northwestern university
3540079890 0387079890
Brauer groups Congresses
Separable algebras Congresses
510.8 512/.24