Teoriia ideal'no plasticheskih tel
Prager, V
Teoriia ideal'no plasticheskih tel V. Prager; G. Hodzh; trad. din lb. engleza: G. S. Shapiro - Moskva Izdatel'stvo inostrannoj lit 1956 - 398 p ill 21 cm
Cuprinde bibliografie pe capitole si index Scriere chirilica Prilozhenie; V. Prager - Teoriia plastichnosti: obzor sovremennyh issledovanij Theory of perfectly plastic solids - W. Prager; Ph. G. Hodge (New York - John Wiley and Sons - 1951; London - Chapman and Hall - 1951); The theory of plasticity: A survey of recent achievements - W. Prager (Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers - !955 - vol. 169, number 21 - London)
Teoriia ideal'no plasticheskih tel V. Prager; G. Hodzh; trad. din lb. engleza: G. S. Shapiro - Moskva Izdatel'stvo inostrannoj lit 1956 - 398 p ill 21 cm
Cuprinde bibliografie pe capitole si index Scriere chirilica Prilozhenie; V. Prager - Teoriia plastichnosti: obzor sovremennyh issledovanij Theory of perfectly plastic solids - W. Prager; Ph. G. Hodge (New York - John Wiley and Sons - 1951; London - Chapman and Hall - 1951); The theory of plasticity: A survey of recent achievements - W. Prager (Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers - !955 - vol. 169, number 21 - London)