Tezisy = Abstarcts = Resumes = Resumees 1-15 i sdopolitel'nyj vyp

Tezisy = Abstarcts = Resumes = Resumees 1-15 i sdopolitel'nyj vyp - Moskva ISM 1966-1966 - 16 fasc. + suppl. (28, 58, 39, 62, 63, 19, 56, 39, 68, 58, 88, 100, 26, 64, 31, 16 p.) 20 cm

Fasc. constituie un volum legatoresc. - Fiecare fasc. are titlu individual. - La aceeasi cota si acelasi nr. de inv. MCD 1459, "Programma Mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa Matematikov : Moskva 16-26 avgusta 1966 = Programme of International Congress of Mathematicians : Moscow 16-26 August 1966 ...": Moskva, 1966, 167 p. si :"Mezhdunarodnyj Kongress Matematikov = International Congress of Mathematics = Congres International des Mathematiciens = Internationaler Mathematikerkongress : spisok uchastikov = List of membres = Liste des membres = Teilnehmerliste"

Congresul International al Matematicienilor
Expuneri; rezumat
Logica matematica
Teoria numerelor
Analiza matematica
Ecuatii diferentiale
Ecuatii diferentiale partiale
Teoria probabilitatilor
Statistica matematica


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