The Asymptotic Behavior of the First Real Eigenvalue of Second Order Elliptic Operators with a Small Parameter in the Highest Derivatives, II
Devinatz, Allen
The Asymptotic Behavior of the First Real Eigenvalue of Second Order Elliptic Operators with a Small Parameter in the Highest Derivatives, II Allen Devinatz, Richard Ellis, Avner Friedman - Evanston Northwestern University - 28 p 28 cm - Reports from The Department of Mathematics 73 .
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The Asymptotic Behavior of the First Real Eigenvalue of Second Order Elliptic Operators with a Small Parameter in the Highest Derivatives, II Allen Devinatz, Richard Ellis, Avner Friedman - Evanston Northwestern University - 28 p 28 cm - Reports from The Department of Mathematics 73 .
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