Mathematical problems in image processing partial differential equations and the calculus of variations
Aubert, Gilles
Mathematical problems in image processing partial differential equations and the calculus of variations Gilles Aubert, Pierre Kornprobst - Second edition - New York Springer c2006 - xxxi, 377 p ill 25 cm - Applied mathematical sciences 147 . - Applied mathematical sciences (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.) .
Contine bibliografie si index
9780387322001 0387322000 (hd. bd. : acid-free paper) 0387217665 (e-book)
Image processing--Mathematics
Mathematical problems in image processing partial differential equations and the calculus of variations Gilles Aubert, Pierre Kornprobst - Second edition - New York Springer c2006 - xxxi, 377 p ill 25 cm - Applied mathematical sciences 147 . - Applied mathematical sciences (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.) .
Contine bibliografie si index
9780387322001 0387322000 (hd. bd. : acid-free paper) 0387217665 (e-book)
Image processing--Mathematics