Semigroups proceedings of a conference, held at Oberwolfach, Germany December 16-21, 1978
Semigroups proceedings of a conference, held at Oberwolfach, Germany December 16-21, 1978
edited by H. Jèurgensen, M. Petrich, and H.J. Weinert
- Berlin New York Springer-Verlag 1981
- iv, 221 p ill 25 cm
- Lecture notes in mathematics 855 .
- Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) .
English, French, and German Cuprinde bibliografie si index
0387107010 (U.S. : pbk.)
510 s 512/.2
English, French, and German Cuprinde bibliografie si index
0387107010 (U.S. : pbk.)
510 s 512/.2